Thursday, August 2, 2007

Pray For Pastor Damien's Wife

Later this morning, Pastor Damien and his wife Rosalina, will be stopping by the house. They just discovered she has a benign tumor and the doctor wants to remove that this next week. I need to return here to be with them after going to Lachiguiri. Rosalina is scared but does believe in the power of prayer.

Update on Virginia

Just want to bring you up to date on Virginia. The dead baby was taken from her late Tuesday night. She left the hospital yesterday with the body of their baby in a jar in a saline solution and they are in Salina Cruz with their two daughters. I will pick them up early tomorrow morning as they want to bury the baby in Lachiguiri.

Virginia, health wise, seems to be OK but emotionally she has been through the wringer. She has been advised not to have any more children and she so wanted this baby. Please continue to pray for her.

I also hope to bring Israel and Virginia and family here so Virginia can rest a couple of days and Israel will release Chico, Shelby's gardener so he can have some time off. Israel will water for him while Chico takes his vacation. I will then be here for Damien and his wife, get the rally scheduled and planned. Looks like we will be very busy here for the next couple of weeks.