Monday, October 1, 2007

Pray for Ezra

When I got back to civilization the other day I called one of our Advisory Board Members, Pastor Art Manke. He has been helping in so many ways with our Sound Studio and our web page etc. He and his wife Phyllis had gone to Colorado to visit their daughter Melodee and family for their vacation. While there they received some devastating news. They had noticed that their little grandson Ezra, who I hear is Mr. Personality himself was not his normal exuberant self. His father is a doctor and they decided to take him in for some test. This child won’t be two until December and they discovered he has lymphoblastic lymphoma and central nervous system disease, an extremely rare disease. Nana Phyllis stayed behind when it was time to return to Phoenix to help her daughter as they also have another son.
You can visit their site and get his story at I have been praying for him and his family ever since I got the word. I have also told everyone I know here in Mexico and those I’ve written home to pray too. He had a extremely terrible day today with chemotherapy. He folded his hands and asked his mommy to please pray. Wow that tears one apart. I’m so glad I have prayer warriors who will also go to the throne for this precious tyke.
I know this is hard on all of them. Grandpa Art is really going through a lot without his wife there at home and wanting himself to be there for his children and grandchildren. I so appreciate the many prayers that is answered through you standing with us in our ministry and this is one request we cherish all of your prayers. Thank you for caring and praying.
