Friday, September 21, 2007

Pray for my friend Sadot

I was just sitting down to eat when an old friend came to my open door. It had been months since I had seen him but I wanted to seek him out as he is an electrician and honest. I had bought, on my way up to Lachiguiri, a small ceiling fan for the small bedroom that doesn’t get a cross breeze and sometimes is quite hot. With our new Wall-mart bodega the prices are within reason.
Sadot had come to talk with me because he wants to run for Presidente (mayor) of Lachiguiri and he wanted me to endorse him to the pastors. I do feel from watching his life he would make a good mayor but I told him that in my position that I could not openly endorse anyone over others. That I do tell the people they should vote and that they need to pray that God would show them who would serve their town honestly.
Sadot shared with me his personal walk with the Lord but he doesn’t go to any of the churches here in town. He shared with me why and his reasons happen to be one reason I have started the Bible School for pastors here in the mountains. We have had too many leaders in one of our local churches who professed Christ and then led a life contrary to the Word of God. I won’t say more about this here but as you read my blogs you will know where I stand. I did mention to Israel that Sadot had told me he was going to run for president and asked what he thought. Israel agrees he would be an honest leader.
I did tell Sadot I would pray for him and asked if I could pray with him right then. He said yes and I really did feel the presence of the Lord as I prayed. So pray with us that God’s will be done.
As Israel and I discussed Sadot, he told me that Sadot’s daughter has been diagnosed with some form of cancer. She is about 15. She has lost most of her hair and has been given very little time to live. In my devotions this morning I was reading the 5th and 6th chapters of John. Miracle after miracle took place. God spoke to me to have Sadot bring his daughter so we could pray for her. I am asking for your prayers that God will give me wisdom in how I handle this. I believe God can heal her. I know that God could use her healing as a real witness to His power and love for His people.
I have seen God’s miracle power at work here in the mountains many times. I don’t want anyone looking to Sheri for healing so that is why I wish to keep this very low key but I do feel that as Jesus gets the glory her healing will reverberate throughout the whole region. Lachiguiri is the main municipal here in the Sierra of the Isthmus.
Also pray for our pastors that they will lead lives of integrity in front of their communities.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dearest Sheri, I will be standing with you in prayer for Sadot and his daughter that the Lord would show Him self mighty and heal and even " if " He does'nt that Sadot would stand firm in his faith not in man but in God the creator of the heavens of and the earth. I will also be praying for your other p. requests. God Bless to you. Kelley Godfrey A new Day Church Lynwood Washington aka Oaxaca conference hugs to you hope your heath is good.